With respect to items 1 and 2, job descriptions for detective and captain in the WSU UPD in 2018, there are no records responsive to these requests.
As requested in number 3 above, any potential records concerning unfounded criminal case dispositions from 2016-2018 involving Det. Rider that might be responsive to this request are being withheld pursuant to K.S.A. 45-221(a)(10).
In Item 4 above, you asked for the trespass policy at WSU. WSU Policy 11.21 Issuance of No Trespass Notice can be found at https://www.wichita.edu/about/policy/ch_11/ch11_21.php.
With respect to Item 5, you may find WSU’s policy manual at https://www.wichita.edu/about/policy/index.php.
All fees for this request have been waived. WSU considers this request #1546 closed.